Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Are you a Sythesizer for Christ?

We have so many responsibilities, so many expectations to meet, so much work to do, so many problems to fix, so much or little money to spend.
How are we expecting ourselves not to be "just-following-the-trend" and "buck-the-trend" Christ-followers? What are we doing that is radical yet Biblical? and how do we get people off the hamster-wheel to see the bigger picture?
David Armano's idea of Synthesizer is pretty, you can read about it. We can use the same 'reinvent the wheel' principle to inspire people about Christ. I'm gonna try to apply it and see what happens.
After all, my carpenter King was never a 'trend-follower' but a really cool 'trend-setter'

it is done.......... i'm 'cat-exhausted' now

What a week!
I've finally managed to finish my online TEFL certificate after much procrastination and the common "I'm too busy" excuse. I've FINALLY done it!
Now, I'm fully certified to teach English!
Personally, i find the course to be quite a no-brainer other than the relevant grammatical teaching techniques taught and some information, it's a pretty common-sense subject. the only thing you'll have to put in is lotsa time.
Thank God He pulled me through these grueling 9 days through work, Church and this TEFL thingy. I couldn't have done it without Him and my team Chile, Christine, Eelee & Karen who stood by me and helped so much with every other things in the house and company!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

San Cristobal

We went cycling today @ Cerro San Cristobal and it was really memorable because I've got a month-long present from the trip. Actually, they came as a package, scars on my knee, my arm, my hand and some fingers. The funny thing was that it happened even b4 we reached the foot of the hill. I mean i've never fallen for as long as i can remember but yet all the long-lost memories of accidents that happened in my youth just re-visited me here in Chile. I mean i was stung by a bee on the 2nd day I was in Santiago and now to add to the list, i've fallen off my bike.

We stopped by 1/4 of the hill and went into a Japones Jardin to take a break. It was small but pretty,
 something closer to home in this land. What intended as a short break became a permanent one as she couldn't go on and i was hurting in my knee. 

When we reached the foot of the hill, there was this handsome young boy with his Ultraman shades and he was soooo..... cute and funny!! He saw a water-fountain and discovered the power to control the flow of the water sprout by turning the valve. He was just in amazement with his," uhs and ahs" and the little i-am-in-control baby laughter. Christine and I were just laughing hilariously at his "amazing discovery". 
What an unforgettable Valentine's day with all of God's creation. 

so little time..... so many things.......... pt2

What does shopping really mean for women?
To some, it's a form of therapy, they call it destressing. To me, when you stay at one shop with less than 10m sq of walking space for more than half an hour, i don't know what it means anymore. 

My wife is threatening me that I'm posting this just 1 hr after our 1st Valentine in Chile, awww...... how romantic! 

Friday, February 13, 2009

So little time, so many things........as always......Pt 1

So little time, so many things......
The day for Dave and PS to leave finally came and all that was necessary for the hand-over was done, now it's up to the new team together with the Big Boss and His 2 partners, J.C and the H.S in running this business of life transformation.
Even at the airport, we felt a certain sense of heaviness and lost. We are, after all, still beings with feelings and attachments. But deep inside, we know that the Boss has other amazing plans for the 2 of them and we know they are in good hands. Cuidate y bendiciones, mi hermanos.